Aus-Tech is a team of trusted industrial electrical contractors supplying businesses with effective automation and electrical solutions.
Since 1976, we’ve built a solid reputation among Melbourne businesses, providing them with viable solutions in manufacturing and production. Our company operates with a strong focus on safety, convenience, and effectiveness, and these values are present in every job we take on.
We understand the importance of having a competitive advantage in the manufacturing industry and believe that automation is the key to helping our clients achieve this. From design to implementation, we work with our clients to ensure they utilise the best in automation and electrical systems to improve their safety and productivity.
We strive to be the ultimate destination for manufacturing companies, providing comprehensive solutions for their goals, challenges, and future maintenance needs, while keeping them at the forefront of industry technology advancements.
We strive to consistently excel in all our provision of electrical and automation solutions
We believe in providing solutions that are actually right for clients, instead of pushing a product.
We believe in open, clear, and transparent communication in all our projects.
Our team constantly keeps up with the latest advancements in the market to provide our clients with a better service.
See the people behind Aus-Tech
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